How to Give Infacol to Your Baby

Infacol is simple to give – even when your baby is crying. The normal dose is one dropper full (0.5ml) given before each feed for several days, but don’t worry if you forget one or more doses.

  • First shake the bottle
  • Draw up one dropper full by squeezing the bulb twice, wiping any excess Infacol off the outside of the dropper back into the bottle
  • To administer the dose squeeze the bulb and release the liquid onto the back of your baby’s tongue.

Infacol has a progressive effect, which means that it should be given to your baby for several days to achieve the best results. If your baby’s colic hasn’t improved after three to four days you can increase the dosage to two droppers full (1ml).

If symptoms worsen or change unexpectedly or there are any side effetcs, consult your healthcare professional.


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Did you know?
Babies often gulp air down when crying and even as they are breathing.