Holiday packing for an Infant can be a daunting task – most parents are prone to overpack and take everything but the kitchen sink. Here are the top 10 things to remember to take with you.
- Nappy changing necessities – nappies, wipes, change mats and nappy bags (try the babyU disposable change mats and scented nappy bags), change of clothes (for on the plane if you are flying), nappy cream like Sudocrem.
- Bottles and teats and a portable steriliser like the Milton Traveller and Sterilising Tablets.
- Soothers and dummies – Don’t get stuck without your baby’s favourite comforter!
- Changes of clothes
- Breast pump if you are expressing milk
- Nipple compresses to soothe dry cracked nipples like the Multi-Mam Nipple compresses and breast pads.
- Blanket or sleeping bag and swaddles
- Baby friendly skin care products, Brands like GAIA Natural Baby have a Baby Traveller kit to make life easier.
- Baby paracetamol (you never know when you may need it)
- A sensitive skin sunscreen and hat for when outside.